Yesterday, as I had my quiet time, I felt God telling me to lead. Lead where? Who? I don’t have a leadership position. I was astonished, and humbled, when God spoke to my heart one word: Matriarch. Oh, no! I am no sovereign individual, no “your-highness” here! I immediately thought of a matriarch as being the female ruler of a royal household, but by the contemporary definition:
ma·tri·arch (mā′trē-ärk′) n.
1. A woman who rules a family, clan, or tribe.
2. A woman who dominates a group or an activity.
3. A highly respected woman who is a mother.
With this said, I began considering the leader God has positioned me to be. He has placed me at the head of our home, beside my husband as his helper. In his absence, I lead. When he is present, we lead together with him as the authority, as God intended the husband and wife from creation (Genesis 2:18). I am here to lead my children, not in my ways, but in God's ways. I am here to run an organized, peaceful home. To demonstrate love (which I have got to work a little harder on, I know.)
You have been positioned to lead. Perhaps you are a leader at work. At church. At home. In the community. You are not in this position by your own power. God positioned you right where you are needed. The question is, are you leading according to His will?
Are you like me, working to “keep up” with everyone else? Hoping you will be heard over the noise the day’s chaos?
Moses was called to lead God’s people out of captivity. (Can I just say, "Thank you, God, for not giving me a task like Moses'!") He made excuses at first. He was hesitant. His immediate response was one of humility. He didn’t believe he was equipped for such an undertaking. As God’s power was revealed, time and time again, through plagues that led to their release, to crossing the Red Sea on dry land, provisions of water from a rock and manna from heaven—no fetching or harvesting by their own hands—Moses was able to speak hope to the Israelites because God had proven His love for them.
Gideon was called to lead His people to victory--with a smaller army. God told Gideon his army was too big and to reduce their force in order to defeat the enemy, the Midianites (Judges 7). This was to give God the glory, not to give cause for the Israelites to boast of their own abilities. When Gideon and his people obeyed, the victory was theirs. God received the glory and the Israelites were blessed. Gideon didn’t make excuses or complain, he led in obedience to God’s commands.
Jesus came to lead His people out of captivity and into victory—out of the grave and into His glorious eternal presence!
Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Alpha, and Omega came down from His Heavenly throne-room to be born as an infant in flesh, in the humblest of settings to a most un-royal young mother. Lead by His Example: Jesus showed kindness to all, reminding them of the Father’s love. He showed compassion through forgiveness, right up to His crucifixion, forgiving those who despised Him. Jesus did not tear others down, pointing out their every flaw, although He had no flaw (unlike me). His anger was only shown when God, Father and Creator, was dishonored.
Lastly, Hebrews 13:17 reminds me to respect those in leadership over me. Leaders I know on an individual basis as well as those in government offices. Speaking ill of others, rather than offering encouragement and praying for them goes against God’s word. Disobedience separates me from my Lord and Savior. Apart from Him, I can do nothing (John 15:5).
In closing: Wherever you are—(1) Lead in a way that will draw others closer to God. Consider righteousness, not self-gain, as the most important example then lead in that manner. (2) Lead without excuses but in obedience. Give God the glory, knowing He is always present. He put you where you are so that He may be honored and others will know Him through your actions. (3) Respect your leaders. You don’t have to agree with them, but God has allowed them their positions of authority. So, respect their positions, don’t speak venomously towards them, but pray for them.
matriarch. (n.d.) American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. (2011). Retrieved December 17 2018 from